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Reality of renovating

With so many renovation reality television shows on offer, it’s easy to believe you know all the ups and downs of this unique domestic experience. But whether you’re doing the work yourself, or employing tradespeople, a home-cooked renovation has to be experienced first-hand to be believed. Luckily, there are ways to get through this time

Six tips for strata living

Apartments, townhouses and units are a hit with buyers and sellers and it’s not hard to see why with time-poor, budget-priced people loving the easy-care gardens and outdoor facilities. But if you think you’ve bought just the ground beneath your feet and the walls around you, think again. There’s more to strata purchases than meets

6 renovation jobs you shouldn’t do

While there are plenty of DIY jobs that are suitable for the novice there are a few jobs that you should never attempt both for the safety of your family and your home, not to mention the possibility of voiding your home insurance if you do. Let’s explore those renovation jobs you shouldn’t do. Waterproofing Bathroom leaks

Next stop: negotiating

For buyers and sellers, there are few moments more disheartening than seeing a property pass in after auction. Both parties have plenty to lose in this situation with the next stop a round of often daunting negotiations. But take heart! Post-auction discussions often end in great satisfaction for everyone involved. “Passed in” explained A property

Using equity to buy an investment property

It sounds like a dream deal: buy a second house without a big bank account. Is this really possible? Using the equity on your first property, it is. It’s a smart move that many people have benefited from but as a real estate agent, we suggest you consider all the pros and cons of equity

How to manage your first move from home

Young people are staying at the family house for longer than ever before and may be in their mid-20s before they decide to leave the nest. Hopefully, these more mature years will mean they’re working to pay rent to their parents, can do their own laundry and cook basic meals. But either way, the first-time

The secret to making low-cost decorating work

I’ve never had a huge budget for decorating my home, there are simply too many other things to spend my money on. But that has never stopped me from having well decorated spaces, nor should it stop you. Instead we should all be able to celebrate our own unique style without breaking the bank. So

Should I get landlord insurance?

You’ve just bought an investment property and excitement and anticipation is high. But with your short-term bank balance possibly in the red, you may be tempted to disregard landlord insurance. On the other hand, you’ve bought this property to enjoy greater financial security, so why risk not having extra cash protection? Is this landlord insurance

How to choose a conveyancer

House hunters, I know it’s easy to become immersed in the stress and excitement of buying or selling your home. Yet whatever else you might miss on your to-do list, don’t forget to choose your conveyancer early on. As crucial as us, your real estate agents, to the property process, no conveyancer means no possibility

Interstate investing

Investors may find it simpler to buy property close by, or at least in a location they know and trust. Yet it can be incredibly worthwhile to widen your pool of possibilities into another state or region.  New ideas Reaching out to an alternative area gives you a range of new options to consider, such

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