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Shaping up for spring

Spring is just around the corner and with the warmer, sunnier weather comes the busiest time of year for real estate. So, if you’re keen to sell, don’t waste any time preparing your property for new owners – while remembering COVID-19 could add to possible issues. But first, fundamentals…. Research your local region and talk

Apartment or house: what’s best for you?

Apartments can make ideal homes but the differences between them and a detached house may surprise, especially if you’ve always lived in a standard home. So, which property will satisfy you and your lifestyle? Yes to less? With less space than a house and a lower purchase price, apartments suit time-poor couples and singles on

Look outside your property box

Our busy lifestyles don’t leave much time to enjoy relaxing in the great outdoors. But this doesn’t mean your next real estate purchase shouldn’t have an alfresco area, even if you’re not a top-notch green thumb. Your bank account, your mind and body, and your friends and family, will all thank you for the space.

Urban, regional or rural?

Proximity or price? Peace or potential noise? Space or restrictions? You might love country solitude but the city suits you too. So, which area best becomes you?  City and suburbia Two words: employment and proximity. With an urban lifestyle comes quality jobs along with transport, shops, and education and health hubs. Property blocks are relatively

Simplifying your house move

There’s nothing like packing up your house for a big move to increase stress and diminish your bank account. Luckily, there are ways to make The Big Day easier. Budget and plan Expect more expense than you bargain for and ensure extra funds are available for unlooked-for issues. Reliable removalists are crucial. These people will

Combining convenience and tranquillity

It can be difficult to blend a quiet location with proximity to transport, shops and schools. If you’re struggling to find serenity with a train line outside your home, or highways and industrial areas close by, fear not. There are simple, budget-priced ways you can reduce the noise. Where to start Carefully examine your walls,

Chaos clean up

We’ve all been there – we check a garage or cupboard and discover a mountain of forgotten molehill details. Objects such as photos and cards easily take up precious space but how can we throw away these special memories?  Weigh up yesteryears Whatever you choose to keep, only put aside one box or shelf for

Tiny houses: neat, sweet and petite

They’re not for everyone but if you crave simplicity and mobility, tiny homes will suit you. With a maximum size of just 50m2, according to the Australian Tiny House Association, these little places combine jaw-dropping prices with a standard home’s functionality and style. Starting off small If you’re buying your first tiny house, consider having

Pet persuasion

For animal lovers, there’s nothing nicer than a hug from their furry friend. But owning such a friend becomes tricky when you’re hunting for a rental house, with many landlords not enjoying pet purrs and snuggles as much as you. So, how can you persuade landlords to agree to your four-legged buddy? Law changes For

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