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How to know which type of property is right for you

There are a range of different property options available but choosing the one that’s right for you can be difficult. With so many different dwelling types available and the options to buy an existing home or building a new one, it can be difficult to know where to invest such a large amount of money. 

What investment costs are deductible?

While the rewards of property investment can be high, it doesn’t come cheap. Most investors will pay several thousand dollars per year in property management fees, maintenance costs, council and water rates, insurance and loan interest expenses while waiting for their asset to grow. Your rental income will cover a significant proportion of these expenses

Where to buy your first home

Looking for your first home can be an overwhelming experience. Afterall, it’s most likely the most amount of money you’ve ever spent in one transaction. And you definitely don’t want to make the wrong decision. So, how do you know you’re purchasing your first home in the right suburb?  Keep an open mind One of

4 home maintenance jobs to complete in winter

The winter months provide the perfect time to start improving your home, especially if you’re planning on listing your home for sale during the busy spring season. The combination of harsh winds, cold nights and rain can damage both your garden and the exterior of your home without some maintenance. Keep your home in good

Financial tips for first home buyers

Purchasing your first home is a big deal and it’s likely the biggest investment you’ll make. But where do you start? And what do you need to know about finances before you purchase a home? Borrowing money Working out how much money you can borrow from a bank or lender is one of the most

Should I get a strata inspection report?

Is it worth spending the time and money to get a strata inspection report before you make an offer on a property? We explain why a small investment in a strata inspection report could give you a lot of peace of mind.  What is strata and a strata inspection report? Strata schemes are those that

5 DIY ways to improve your kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most influential rooms in a home. Not only is it a room that we all use daily, it’s one that can also influence buyers when it comes to purchasing your home. Kitchens are one of the most expensive rooms to completely renovate and buyers will appreciate it being done

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